The Smell of the Sea
Our Rock Salt & Driftwood scented candle has become one of Dexter & Mason’s most popular summertime scents. Find out more about the smell of the sea.
Our Favourite Summertime Scents
The warm weather is finally here, and we've just gathered together some sunshiny scents for our Summer Candle collection. This got us talking about our favourite summer smells, and the happy-making effect they have on us. Here are a few real classic summertime scents...
More About Lovely Lavender
We love lavender. Its fresh fragrance and vibrant shade never fail to please, and our lavender scented candle is one of our best-sellers. However, there's far more to this much-loved flower than its pretty blooms and heady scent. Here's a look at some of lavender's...
The history of candles
Candles have a long history, from luxury gift, to essential item, then back to gift. At Dexter & Mason, we take a look at the history of the candle.
Why we love scented candles: the link between smells and memory
We’ve all heard how smell is closely linked to memory. How does this affect our choices when it comes to lighting a scented candle? We’ll take you into the wonderful world of your olfactory system, then look at how this can help you choose the right fragrances for yourself and other.
5 reasons why scented candles make perfect Mother’s Day gifts
With Mother’s Day approaching, it’s time to search for that special gift for Mum. A gorgeous scented candle ticks a lot of boxes! Here’s why.
Why use soy wax in scented candles?
At Dexter & Mason, we use soy wax in our handmade scented candles. It’s a quality wax that holds scent beautifully, and is environmentally friendly
What makes candle light so romantic?
As Valentine's Day approaches, our thoughts naturally turn to romance - and what could be more seductive than the soft, flickering glow of scented candles? Along with wine, roses and Barry White, candle light has become one of the essential ingredients of a romantic...
It’s beginning to smell a lot like Christmas…
We take a look (and a deep, heady sniff) at the evocative world of festive fragrances, and suggest some scented candles to enhance your Christmas home.